Google has joined the campaign office with the launch of its Nexus One Dock Desktop. It is also said that the new service would be provided with the Nexus One and will be available from the Google Store.
Desktop Dock is designed to be adapted to the new start Nexus One phone call and hold the phone vertically, like his iPhone dock. If the user slides the Nexus on a desktop dock, the application automatically starts clock displays time and date. Moreover, the clock application also provides useful information about weather, alerts and view slideshows on the image.
Playing music was fun with this game because there is a 3.5 mm to RCA audio cable for those who want to listen at high volume. Bluetooth can help you listen to music from the A2DP profile. The desktop dock allows the user to connect your phone to the stereo and pricing.
Desktop Dock is now available to buy on Google Store. This custom has been priced at $ 45.