Sports DCI Vega with a touch interface and is powered by a Tegra processor. Otherwise, there is high definition with the 3G connectivity.
"Every year, the device user experience goes up ante exponentially, leading designers and engineers to find ways to improve the quality of products and new features to get to the door," said David Hayes, CEO of ICD.
He also said: "Expertise is tight CIM award-winning design and engineering integrated with a deep understanding of what customers want is the time it takes other companies to fully realized products to reduce non-compromise on the market."
The last device Vega is intended that an impact because of its sleek look with an attractive form factor to make. Besides the superior quality of the CIM will allow the user to a seamless mobile experience to enjoy.
Latest Android games available will be based on three beaches, 7 inch, 11 inch and 15 inch.
It is expected that the new model will be available in the first quarter of 2010. However, details have yet to be revealed.