Acer has three new touchscreen phones in India, including beTouch E101, E200 and beTouch neoTouch. The new smartohones are priced between Rs.12, 000 and Rs 35,000.
The cheapest phone in this series is the beTouch E101, a 3.2-inch resistive touch screen functions and works with the new Windows Mobile 6.5 OS. However, this set will not make magic as the other sets that were previously released. The set has 256 MB of RAM and 512 MB ROM attached.
This set comes with an integrated 2 megapixel camera. But the lack of autofocus option disappoints the user to some extent.
The e101smartphone beTouch is a simple phone with some features. But all lack a bit of advanced networking features such as Wi-Fi and 3G.However, GPRS (EDGE) and Bluetooth facilities will be there to some basic functions to perform.
BeTouch E101 smartphone is available at Rs 11,900.